Organic phosphines , metal phosphine complexs
OLED intermediates "/>

American company develops 3D printed "glossy paper": becoming the world's thinnest LED lamp

According toTaiwan's "Science and Technology News" on December 31, when thelighting source is no longer presented in the form of bulbs, lamps, and so on,it will emit light in paper form, and it is suitable for various surfaces.Maybe you are wondering how the paper glows. Rohinni, Texas, USA uses 3Dprinting Light-Emitting Diode (LED) "Lightpaper" to make your eyesbright. This means that 3D printing technology has gone beyond people'simagination and will make all kinds of impossible one by one.

According toFastCoLabs, glossy paper is currently the thinnest LED light in the world. Theapproach is to mix the ink and micro LED on the conductor layer, then sandwichthe printed conductor layer between the other two layers of material and sealit. Microdiodes are about the size of a red blood cell and are randomlyscattered on the conductor layer. When a current passes through a microdiode,it lights up.

A sheet-like lightsource similar to light paper, and more commonly known as OrganicLight-Emitting Diode (OLED). OLED does not contain heavy metals. It is moreenvironmentally friendly, and can be folded and bent. It is also widely used.The disadvantage is that the cost is too high. Light paper is thinner thanOLED, and the cost is relatively low. The service life is up to 20 years, whichhas considerable potential.

However, Rohinni'scurrent problem is how to make the LEDs evenly distributed on the surface whenprinting the conductor layer. Random scattering of LEDs can cause light spotsto flicker, or a "starry sky" effect. Nick Smoot, the company'smarketing director, said that although this approach has little impact on most applications,it is still necessary to make the diode uniformly emit light. The secondversion of the improved glossy paper will take several months to complete.

Rohinni's glossypaper applications will target the commercial and industrial markets, with thefirst glossy paper products expected in mid-2015. Smoot revealed that severalcompanies have used light paper technology to develop and design relatedproducts.

Whether theinvention of the light paper technology will impact the LED industry or evenreplace OLED is still unknown. If smooth paper can overcome technical problemsand can be mass-produced smoothly, I believe that the application space will beconsiderable