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Paint market opens spring market, enterprises seize the market

With thesuccessive construction of major petrochemical infrastructure projects invarious regions, coatings are an indispensable auxiliary material foranti-corrosion engineering. Its market opens the Yangchun market in April.Coating companies also took the opportunity to take the opportunity to reduceprices and promote "do subtraction" and launch new products "doaddition" And other measures to seize the market.

Reduced pricesbecome "killer skills"

It is understoodthat after the price of Pentium Paint was lowered, Shandong Yizhan TechnologyCo., Ltd., Shandong Aohui Paint Group Co., Ltd. and Shandong Yili Paint Co.,Ltd. also lowered the prices of some paint products by about 10%. Not only inShandong, Hebei Chenhong Paint Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Jiren Paint Co., Ltd.,Huai'an Paint Factory and other manufacturers also lowered the product price byabout 10%.

Dai Maozhen,chairman of Shandong Aohui Paint Industry Group Co., Ltd., said that from theperspective of the domestic coating market, the competition in Shandong is themost fierce. The price difference between local Pentium, Lehua, Qilu and otherbrand coatings is about 3%. Dealers will compare the quotations of variousmanufacturers when purchasing, giving priority to products with low prices."In this way, the paint market competition will eventually become pricecompetition. Enterprises with large sales volume share low costs and price competitionhas a comparative advantage." Dai Maozhen said.

The plunge of rawmaterials is the main reason

"Anotherimportant reason for the company's downward adjustment of paint prices is theplunge in raw material prices," said Lin Zhe, secretary general of theShandong Paint Industry Association.

In addition, theprices of other paint production raw materials also fell.

"The pricesof raw materials for coatings have decreased in varying degrees. The price ofxylene, which is the largest amount of use, is almost at the waist, and thecost support for coatings has weakened, and prices have to fall," Lin Zhesaid.

Multiple measuresand guarantee performance

It is a nationalhigh-tech enterprise which is specialized in research, production and trade ofacid anhydrides and other functional material intermediates.

In addition toprice reduction, some domestic paint companies have also taken other measuresto seize the market to complete the sales task.

It is understoodthat on the basis of price reduction, Pentium Paint also launched a one-timepurchase promotion of individual products. For example, dealers bought 10 tonsof gray anti-rust paint at a time, and the price will be discounted by another8%. Other iron red, medium gray and dark gray waterborne steel structure paintsare purchased for 100 barrels at a time, the price is reduced from 8 yuan / kgto 7.5 yuan / kg; for a single purchase of 200 barrels, the price is reducedfrom 8 yuan / kg to 7.2 yuan / kg .

Not only that,Pentium paint industry is further enriching the product line, launched thefirst self-spray paint in the province, and included it in the promotion ranks.

Gu Shigang,general manager of Shandong Benteng Paint Co., Ltd., said: "Good qualityand low price, coupled with the introduction of new products, have become thecompany's three major tools to occupy the coatings market. In addition, thecompany has also established water-based paint technology research anddevelopment in Shanghai. The center actively uses and connects with internationalfirst-line chemical talents and technologies, and implements the marketdevelopment strategy of going global and introducing. I believe the companywill successfully complete the sales task this year. "

It is understoodthat after the price reduction of the Huai'an Paint Factory in JiangsuProvince, the new dealers were also given 100,000 yuan of shop support. At thesame time, they also set up product transit warehouses in logistics centerssuch as Linyi to shorten the market supply cycle. Shaanxi Baotashan PaintIndustry Co., Ltd. also set up a transit product library in Liaocheng and otherplaces to reduce the intermediary's Gary link and directly seize industrialcustomers such as Luxi Group and Xinfa Group at low prices.

Puyang HuichengElectronic Material Co.,Ltd is a   companywhich is majored in   coating curingagents. The related products are Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydride85-43-8,Methyl tetra-Hydro Phthalic Anhydride11070-44-3,Hexahydrophthalic Anhydride85-42-7),Methyl Hexahydrophthalic Anhydride19438-60-9,Nadic Anhydride826-62-0,Methyl Nadic Anhydride25134-21-8.It   was foundedin December ,2002 and becomes a listed company, which is located in PuyangEconomic and Technological Development Zone. It is a national high-techenterprise which is specialized in research, production and trade of acidanhydrides and other functional material intermediates.